Examples of My Work

Creating a Regenerative Business Strategy

Service: Strategy Development

Client: TechnoServe (serving as Interim Regenerative Business Director)

Opportunity: Organization needed a strategy to integrate regenerative principles and metrics across a portfolio of 80+ agriculture supply chain and SME development programs in 29 countries across Latin America, Africa and India.

The work:

  • Wrote organization’s first-ever regenerative business strategy.

  • Built a quantitative roadmap to guide fundraising efforts needed to meet 2030 impact targets.

  • Developed impact measurement guidelines for reporting on emissions mitigated, biodiversity improved, and land under regenerative agriculture practices.

Reducing Emissions Intensity and Increasing Cocoa Farmer Incomes in Ghana

Service: Project Design

Clients: International chocolate corporation, cocoa traders, TechnoServe

Opportunity: Chocolate company wanted to reduce Scope 3 emissions while also improving farmer incomes in their supply chain

The work:

  • Created investment-ready program design that could mitigate over 60,000 tons of CO2e and enable $4.2 million additional financial benefits for cocoa farming households.

  • Developed a broader project design guide detailing key principles for creating holistic and effective cocoa sustainability programs.

Developing a Food Hub for Small-Scale BIPOC Farmers in California

Service: Project Design

Client: Kitchen Table Advisors, San Mateo RCD, TomKat Ranch Foundation, Brisa Ranch

Opportunity: Coastal farms lack equitable access to market for fresh produce sales. Clients have USDA grant to design a food hub to aggregate produce and sell to regional campuses, hospitals, corporate cafeterias, etc.

The work: Developed a 5-year business pro-forma and business plan narrative (written document) for farmer-owned, for-profit food hub.


  • Lead Author

    Lead author of ReGen Brands flagship report. Analyzed 60+ interviews and identified key successes and challenges for regenerative CPG brands. Report downloaded by 350+ founders, investors and other CPG stakeholders.

  • Contributing Author

    Wrote core content of report detailing five opportunities for social enterprises with circular business models to scale their impact. Reviewed business models, challenges, and impact of 40 social enterprises. Report published by the World Economic Forum.